Finance & IT
For me every next step in my career is a new adventure. In 2012 I started to work at the Driscoll’s Finance department in Spain, where I was responsible for the Moroccan region. After a few months I had the possibility to go to the Netherlands and work at the EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) office. I immediately decided to take this chance; it has been my dream to work at the head office of a big international company. To be ambitious is something that is in my blood.
When I was younger, I played professional basketball, a sport in which performance and teamwork are very important. At Driscoll’s people have the same team spirit and will-power to achieve great things; this is why I feel welcome in the company. The challenging part of my job is definitely to keep up with deadlines, but I also need the rush to perform at my best. My tasks within the finance department are to take care of the payments to growers, to organise the invoice of customers and to analyse data.
I like to learn as much as possible so I can go back to Spain and share my knowledge with my colleagues over there, but going to another country in EMEA is also something I imagine to do in the future. I believe it is better to try new things and maybe fail, than never try at all.